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The Little Book of Economics: How the Economy Works in the Real World

I picked this next economics book based on Amazon reviews and the fact that the author writes for The Economist.  Turns out my selection criteria were ineffective.  Greg Ip’s The Little Book of Economics is little:  just 250 pages, lots of white space, lots of excerpts duplicated in highlight boxes and a little book, physically.  Reading the book did help me cement some of the definitions and concepts from Naked Economics, but I found the Little Book aspect annoying.  That said, Greg Ip is a good writer and I will use the book as a reference for simple explanations of economics concepts.  It was published very recently and is therefore under-reviewed at this point (I tried this time at least!); Ip’s book did garner several nice blurbs from economics heavy-weights like Burton Malkiel, Robert Reich and Greg Mankiw.

The Little Book of Economics is well-written, and little; if you’re going to read just one book on entry-level economics though, I’d still vote for Naked Economics.


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