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A World of Trouble: The White House and the Middle East–from the Cold War to the War on Terror

…If you’re looking for a well-written book on this very painful subject, A World of Trouble is a good place to start… […]


Naked Economics: Undressing the Dismal Science

Several chapters from Charles Wheelan’s Naked Economics were required reading for a Pol/Econ class I took at work right before we left for Tel Aviv. Our economics professor recommended we read the whole book if we had time. I had time. I thoroughly enjoyed the book. Wheelan‘s goal was to write a book on […]


The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest

Ahhhhh. I passed my Hebrew language final exam (not a fun 28 weeks) and can now read freely again. First up, Stieg Larsson’s The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest, the final volume in the Millennium Trilogy. The book picks up with a bang right where The Girl Who Played with Fire left off and […]
