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A World of Trouble: The White House and the Middle East–from the Cold War to the War on Terror

…If you’re looking for a well-written book on this very painful subject, A World of Trouble is a good place to start… […]



Augustus Richard Norton’s Hezbollah was on the recommended reading list of one of our Lebanon hands at work. It’s a short history, at 199 pages including all of the appendices (afterword from 2009, key Arabic words, recommended reading list, index and acknowledgments), but it’s not necessarily a fast read. Norton has a very detailed writing […]


The Yellow Wind, again

I first read David Grossman’s The Yellow Wind a little over a year ago. See brief comments here. Now we’re discussing it in our book club at work this month, so I’m back. It’s still a well-written book, filled with very disturbing stories about life in Palestine under Israeli occupation. The author, already a respected […]


The Stakes: America in the Middle East

I found Professor Shibley Telhami’s The Stakes: America in the Middle East in the Eastern Market’s great used book store, Capitol Hill Books, a few weeks ago. Then Professor Telhami started showing up on my radar, most recently as one of the contributors to Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace. The Stakes was published right as the Iraq […]


Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace

One of the reviews for The Much Too Promised Land also favorably reviewed Daniel Kurtzer and Scott Lasensky‘s Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace, so I was interested to read this shorter volume by two of the Arab-Israeli experts complimented by Miller. In less than one hundred pages, the authors define lessons learned and opportunities lost, give a […]
