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The Stakes: America in the Middle East

I found Professor Shibley Telhami’s The Stakes: America in the Middle East in the Eastern Market’s great used book store, Capitol Hill Books, a few weeks ago. Then Professor Telhami started showing up on my radar, most recently as one of the contributors to Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace. The Stakes was published right as the Iraq […]


Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace

One of the reviews for The Much Too Promised Land also favorably reviewed Daniel Kurtzer and Scott Lasensky‘s Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace, so I was interested to read this shorter volume by two of the Arab-Israeli experts complimented by Miller. In less than one hundred pages, the authors define lessons learned and opportunities lost, give a […]


The Much Too Promised Land

Aaron David Miller’s The Much Too Promised Land was the first book we covered in our new book club at work (looking forward to more discussions on books about Israel and the Middle East with that group). Miller spent decades in the State Department working on the Arab-Israeli peaces process and his book is a […]


The Mouse That Roared

In October, our book club read Leonard Wibberley’s The Mouse that Roared. I chose this book to help us ease into the non-book meetings in November and December, and because I had a vague memory from having read it over thirty years ago (yes, it scares me to write that) that it contained some concepts […]


Summer One-liners

Since I haven’t taken the time to write even brief reviews of the books I’ve read over the last several months, here’s a list of them in roughly the order they were read. As, or if, reviews are added, they will link from this page.

Shut Up, I’m Talking – Gregory Levey. Very funny memoir […]
